Thursday, January 10, 2008

Siagon, Vietnam

Siagon had a really cool atmosphere to it especially because it was just before christmas. I ventured out of the city a bit to see the Chu-Chi tunnels which were the underground tunnels that the Viet Con used in the "American" war. They were very small and dark tunnels with many levels to them. The guide that i had was vietnamese and had no problem walking through the tunnels. I had a bit more difficult time and had to crawl on all-fours most of the time. The guide was average vietnamese hieght of 5'7" and I am 6'4", you do the math. Afterwards there was a shooting range where i was able to shoot an AK 47, M 16, and a big ass M60. F*#&ing awesome.

After that i went to the war remnants museum, Which was called until 5 years ago the American war crimes museum. It was very anti-American and i went by my altar ego of Mason from Canada for most of the day.

I figured that was enough of the city and went north to the city of Mui Ne for Christmas.

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