Thursday, February 14, 2008

Bali Baby!

So since I last left you I was in Malaysia. I can say that except for the other travellers that I met at the guesthouse I didn't care for it much. I couldn't leave when I wanted to because of the Chinese new year that lasted 4 days and everything was closed and buses weren't running. I finally made it to Kuala Lumpur to catch my flight to Bali, but here is where it gets interesting. I had heard that a 2 month visa was available opon entry to the country, that was false. I spent the 15 hours in K.L. sleeping about 4 hours and then going to the Indo embassy trying to get a visa that takes two days to get in one day. Keep in mind that if I couldn't get the visa that means about $250 extra to do a visa run a month from now and I'm on a budget people. Luckly my hard work and puppy dog eyes got me a visa 2 hours prior to my flight leaving which sounds great but the airport is an hour drive away and check-in closes 45 mins. prior to departure. I had a taxi driver wait for me to get my visa and then book it to the airport. I get to the airport with time to spare and end up having a feast on the plane considering that I had not eaten since 7am and it was now 5:30pm. Then the captain of the plane comes on the loudspeaker and says "Excuse me for a second folks, but I just thought that you would be happy to know that the weather in Bali is 95 degrees and is sunny with clear skies. At this point all I want to do is sleep and wake up in beautiful Bali. I get about an hour of sleep before the plane hits some serious turbulence which continues for the remaining 2 hours. My second stroke of good luck is that my plane was the last to land before the closed the airport because we had been flying through the storm that was hitting Bali at that moment. It was pissing down rain and I thought 'damn it is going to suck to try and find a guesthouse in this weather'. By the time I got through customs and get a taxi to the area I was going to stay it was clear and ended up being a beautiful night. Now the hunt is on for a surf board and some good breaks. The next post will be shortly after my first Balisian barrell.
Until next time,

Saturday, February 2, 2008


Well I just got into Penang, Malaysia late last night from Ton Sai, Krabi, Thailand. Oddly enough I ran into a dive instuctor that I met on Koh Tao at the guest house that i am staying in. He was on a visa run with a couple of other dive instructors and the night was quickly filled with J. Daniels(J. Daniels is the cheap Malaysian version of Jack Daniels) and socializing. I can easily say that so far Malaysia is the most similiar to L.A., McDonalds, Starbbucks, KFC, Bordiers Books, it is really a trip to see all the same crap from home in such a beautiful place. i will see what I need to see and then book it to Indo for some surf, sand and even more fun than i am having now. Oh yeah, just wondering how your 9 to 5 is treating you?

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Thailand, again.

Well I have been back in Thailand for about two weeks or so and realized how much I miss the beach and the ocean. My first stop was to Ko Phi Phi off of the west coast of Thailand. It was absolutely beautiful. The island has an isthmus in the middle with lots of really breath-taking views. the only bad part about it was that there were some many people. It was like spring break with a busy night life. It wasn't that bad considering that i met up with some friends from Long Beach and we couldn't think of a better way to catch-up than have a couple of Thai buckets and an evening swim.

From Phi Phi, we took off for Ko Tao for a little more mellow setting and some scuba. The overnight ferry that we took was more of a cargo ship that had a little deck space on the top for the 30+ people it was also carrying. it was a long night to say the least, but we made it. The island was awesome! The rest of the Long Beach crew wanted to get their open water scuba cert. and myself and another wanted to get our advanced cert. so it worked out perfectly for all of us to do 4 days of diving. My advanced dives consisted of a deep dive(100ft.), a navigational dive, search and recovery, fish identification, and a night dive. The night dive was my favorite out of all of them seconded by the deep dive. I could definitely feel the nitrogen narcosis at the end of that day and a cold beer chang never tasted so good.

At this point, since my birthday was right around the corner, we decided to make our way to Ko Phangan for the full moon party that just happened to be on my birthday. Pure craziness! there was probably 20 to 30 thousand people on the beach with all sorts of fire dancing, buckets, and anything else you can imagine. truly an experience to be a part of the whole thing. a word to the wise, use caution when at a full moon party. their were a couple of fatalities, one of which was right in front of our tuk-tuk on the ride back from the party. He was riding his motor bike and drinking a bucket at the same time. Use your head and know your limits!

At this point 4 of the girls from long beach have left and I'm hear in Krabi with the remaining two. They head out in a couple of days and so will I. Time to do some kayaking and rock climbing before i head off on my next adventure.


Friday, January 11, 2008

some picture for all of yall

Inside a cave called "amazing cave" in Halong Bay.
How about shooting an M60 at the Chu-Chi tunnels outside of Siagon.

This is a couple of sand dunes just outside of Mui Ne, Vietnam.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Hue and Hanoi

this was the first city where i didn't really feel welcome. After seeing the citadel and trying to find where my father lived while he was in the war, i constantly was told of how bad America was and is. i constantly felt like there was someone over my shoulder and someone trying to get into my pocket.
i had the same felling in Hanoi. i did a quick trip to halong bay which was beautiful but found out that i payed twice as much for the same trip as everyone else, i was also the only american on the trip.
i then made the decision to get out of there and head down to some sun in southern thailand and meet some friends and relax a little bit. i flew out of hanoi to bangkok and the jumped another plane to krabi. tomorrow i will head to Ko Phi Phi to meet the crew. nothing but beaches and fun from hear on out. . . . hopefully.

Hoi An

This place is a nice quite travelers city that specializes in hand made garments. I had to indulge by buying two suits, four shirts, and one par of shoes. For $220.00 how could you say no. i thought that i would stay until the next day until my clothes were ready and then leave. What really happened was i met a local teacher that took me on his day of to see some sight for free and then later thaqt night i met his family and had coffe with them. this was a real reality check. i was the first forigner to ever set foot inside his house and was able to see how the other side lives. his family was so poor that they lived in an 8'x8' room where the 5 of them slept. the kitchen was 5'x3' and also doubled as the bathroom. i was invited to the wedding but due to visa constrants iwas unable to attend. It really makes me feel luck for what i have and how i live. i will always remember teacher Tung and his family.

Nha Trang

It was supposed to be a nice beach town, but turned out to be the beginning of 2 weeks of bad weather. The highlight were an amusement park called Vinpearl which is an island off the coast that is accessible by the worlds longest gondola water crossing. It didn't hold a candle to the parks back in Cali. but is was something to do while the weather was bad.

the best part was new years. some how i meet a bartnder that worked at the only night club in the city that was on the beach. i asked if he needed a bartender in return for free drinks for the night. he didn't need one but did give me the job of helping the party get started by giving me and some other youngsters free booze for us as well as to give to the other patrons of the club. it was a lot of preasure, but i was able to pull it off and had one hell of a new year.