Tuesday, December 4, 2007


From the islands I went into Cambodia to a town off of the beaten path called Ban Lung. The first day there a Canadian and I rented moto bikes for the day and we both had some trouble with them. I was on a 125cc dirt bike and he was on a 100cc scooter. In that late afternoon my bike stalled and I couldn't get it started again. Being about 15 Km outside of town, I pushed it to a grease monkey 300 meters down the road. He checked it out and could not figure out what was wrong with it. I had my friend go back to town to get the owner to help us out. He laid his bike down going about 30km/h and got some abrasions on his leg and arm but was ok. Meanwhile, I started to push the bike back to town. After an hour of pushing I ran into the owner and he informs me that his bike stalls sometimes and is really easy to get started if you know the secret touch.

The next day I went to a really cool volcanic lake that was in the top of an inactive volcano and stayed there until sunset. When I get back to my room I noticed that some things had been moved and $20, my cell phone and ipod were missing. After an hour of arguing with the owner and manager trying to convince them that those items were had been stolen, I use one of their phones to call my phone. I looked on every floor and ended up hearing it ring in a room on the floor above me. The owner and manager open the room, which belonged to 6 of the employees of the hotel, and my phone was hidden in the dresser and was still on. So one down, one to go. Since I now proved that things had been taken the police came to question the 6 residents of the room. They didn't say a thing. At that point I could have them all arrested or not and all i really wanted was my ipod back and no one going to jail for 1 to 2 months. After some scare tactics by yours truely and 3 hours later, the ipod shows up out of no where. The owner of the hotel then made it up to me by buying dinner and drinks for the night for myself and 2 other guest that were helping out. I also didn't have to pay for my hotel room or any other meals as long as I was there. I only spent three nights there, but it felt like a life time.

Now on to Siem Reap.


Miss Jenna said...

Tiny- oh my goodness...good thing youre so big you can push your dirt bike (very 909 of you) :) and you are probably pretty intimidating...so good thing you gave them the scare tactics! did you threaten them with speedo pics? im glad you got your stiff back, and some other bonuses!! it sounds so amazing! miss you XOXO

Miss Jenna said...

oh jas- miss.jdub...is jenna (yeah wantink)....i just got a gmail account so i can talk to you-dont oyu feel cool!